sodasan Sports & Outdoor Detergent - Produktbild

sodasan Sports & Outdoor Detergent

Sports & outdoor detergent - Freshness & care kick for sports & functional textiles

Inhalt:0,75 Liter (l)
Verpackung:Flasche (Kunststoff)
Hersteller:Sodasan Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel GmbH

Specially formulated to give athletic apparel and technical fibres a deep and hygienic clean.

Suitable for natural fibres and hightech fabrics such as microfibre or fabrics with a membrane, including GoreTex® and SympaTex®.

Maintains wind-resistant, waterresistant and breathable properties.

Removes unpleasant odours and gives workout gear a freshness boost.

The exceptional skin-friendly properties have been confirmed by dermatologists.